Traffic Analyst – trafikmodel software til ArcGIS
Traffic Analyst til ArcGIS er trafikmodel software og omfatter avancerede modelleringsværktøjer, som gør det muligt at bygge en komplet trafikmodel til at forudsige konsekvenserne af investeringer i infrastruktur.
Danmarks nationale trafikmodel, GMM – the Green Mobility Model (tidligere LTM – Landstrafikmodellen) og COMPASS trafikmodellen i Københavns Kommune er begge lavet med brug af Traffic Analyst til ArcGIS. Se flere detaljer og cases her.
Rapidis søger lokale partnerne med viden og kompetencer omkring trafik modellering til at bruge Traffic Analyst til at skabe nye projekter. Kontakt Leif Dahl Petersen for mere information.
Traffic Analyst gør ArcGIS til et fuldt funktionelt trafikmodel system.
May 2023. Traffic Analyst 8.0, now supports ArcGIS Pro 3.0 and ArcGIS Server 11.0
- Traffic Analyst works with ArcGIS Pro 3.0 and ArcGIS Server 11.0. Support for ArcMap has been discontinued.
- Traffic Analyst now requires .NET Desktop Runtime v. 6.0.16 or newer
- Traffic Analyst geoprocessing tools are migrated to work with ArcGIS Pro and ArcGIS Server
- Transit data map tools and turn edit tools are migrated to ArcGIS Pro
- Scenario managed layers are migrated to ArcGIS Pro
- Path Assignment and Path Mpme gp-tools supports reusing paths
- Model Manager has been integrated into ArcGIS Pro
- Model Manager also still exists as a standalone application for use with geoprocessing services
- Traffic Analyst now includes a Job Scheduler to orchestrate a queue of modelling runs with varying model and database requirements. The Job Scheduler works with server-based transport model deployments.
- Several improvements to LogFetcher
- Tests and adjustments carried out to make Traffic Analyst compliant and suited to deployment in an Azure cloud infrastructure.
Traffic Analyst 7.0 released with support for ArcGIS 10.7.1.
- LogFetcher executable added. This module supports polling ArcGIS Server installations for service logs and backing them up in a SQL Server environment.
- DTA Path Assignment tool added. Dynamic individual trip-based assignment using a continuous assignment of trips. This allows detailed modelling of spatial-temporal queue increase and decrease.
- Mixed Public Assignment tool added. A higher performance Public Assignment algorithm has been implemented, that supports a mix of schedule-based and frequency-based runs, as well as capacity restraints and crowding.
- Transit data map tools now supports editing and creating runs with frequency and capacity information, that can be used in Mixed Public Assignment.
- TurnGenerator tool, enhanced detection of primary vs secondary links for establishing turn priorities, e.g. for individually digitized carriageways.
- Model Manager features new user interface options and faster data transfers, requiring less space.